Archive for March 2018

Another Try

I am trying to be back.

I have been thinking lately, half truth- because I think about this on a regular basis, that I have to create more space for this kind of writing in my world. As an introvert, having a career that requires me to actively engage in verbal conversation for almost 10 hours a day everyday can be (is) rough. I have learned how to embrace it and even love it but that doesn't mean that it doesn't wear on the hermit that lives inside. Writing is one of the few things that soothes my soul- putting pen to paper, I think it literally lowers my blood pressure;) Anyone else? Sometimes it is specific, other times not, but it all matters to me. 

For about a year now, one of my absolute favorite hobbies has become writing actual letters. I bought a bigger desk and so much stationary to grow my now passion. Can writing letter be an actual passion? I say yes:) I love writing letters. There is something so honest about it. I feel more able and willing to process and reveal myself in the pages of a letter. I feel most honest, authentic, and sincere when I write.

I am going to try to spend more time here. I know I stated this in a past post but outside of my personal thought journal, my letters, and my song book, I don't do a lot of writing and I want to. You might be thinking- that sounds like a lot of writing! It is a good amount but I love having a place where I can be more open with my writing and this is it. I feel super rusty but I have to start somewhere and this is it. If you are out there reading this (does anyone use blogger anymore?), send some accountability vibes my way. 

Thank you for taking your time to read this and any future post I write. I have a lot of broken thoughts and ideas and they will end up here so thank you if you continue to read regardless. 

Thinking Positive Thoughts,
